At first recognized by scientists in the field of health that the RM has been implemented long ago. In history, the birth of the medical records almost simultaneously with the birth of medical science. From a discovery of archaeologists in the stone cave wall in Spain, the ancient relics can be painting on procedures for the practice of medicine, among others, about the amputation of fingers, who had allegedly 25,000 years old (at the time of paleoliticum).

God Thoth
a medical expert, who until called by the god of Wisdom. He authored 42 books ranging from 36 s.d. Six books on the subject including medicine (human body, illness, medical equipment and midwifery)
Living in the age pyramids between 3000 - 2500 BC, served as Chief Architect and Advisor Medical Affairs of King Pharaoh. he is a doctor who had the honor as a medical demiggod. he made the papyrus is an ancient medical imlu document which contains 43 cases of surgery.
Ebers Papyrus
Papyrus is the University Leipzing (Poland) contains a careful observation of disease and treatment is done carefully and in depth.

There is someone who is known as the god of medicine that is Aeculapius. Wand entwined by the serpent became a symbol of medicine today.
Also known as the father of medicine Hippocrates. was he that much to write about the treatment of disease by methods of modern science, waive mystical divination and treatment, and making careful observations and research that is still considered relevant. The results of these patients until now still can be read by doctors. He taught the importance of written records of medical discoveries to his disciples.

After the Greek era ended and gave way to Roman times. at this time there are enough characters who play a role in the development of medicine is and St. Galen. Jerome who first introduced the term hospital (Hospitalia) which was first founded in Rome Italy in the year 390 AD

The development of medical science reaches only the first 3 centuries. The presence of recording what was done by the monks (ancient physicians). Known for some of the author of medical science: Aetius, Alexander, Oribasius & Faul.

Found the book "Leviticus" that talk about sanitation and hygiene: Effect of touching dirty objects, type of food should be eaten, the type of foods that contain nutrients, how to clean new mothers giving birth. Other hygiene needs.
In the golden age of Islamic Dynasties era of Muhammad)
In the development of the golden age of Islamic dynasty, Avicena (Ibn Sina) and Rhazes is a figure whose role in the writing of a better clinical records and medical books like "Treatise on smallpox and Measles".

The importance of medical records began to be felt since the founding of St. Barthelomew in London. RS is very stressed listing report / medical instructions that must be performed by a physician as a form of accountability to the patient. This hospital is also pioneering the establishment of medical libraries.

In the 18th century, Penansylavania Hospital of Philadelphia was founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1752. Then in 1771 founded the New York hospital. and recording a new medical records conducted in 1793 that new patient registration. 1862 indexing of diseases and conditions of the new companion made.

19th Century, the development of world medical records is growing, with the opening of the general hospital Massacussect in Boston in 1801. This hospital has a patient's medical records and catalog complete. in 1871 began to instruct that each patient is treated should be made of Illness Index Card (KIUP).

20th century a new medical records into the limelight in particular in some hospitals, clubs / organizations / bond medics (doctors) in western countries. In 1902 the American Hospital Association (AHA) for the first time a discussion of medical records. Until the year 1905 an American doctor, dr. Wilson argued scientific speech about "A clinical chart for the record of the patient in small hospitals," or core of his speech about the importance of complete medical records for the benefit of patients and the hospitals. The next development is as follows;
a. Year 1935 in the United States began to emerge 4 pieces of medical records schools
b. In 1955 the school has grown to 26 schools.
c. In England school was established 4 pieces of medical records in 1948.
d. Australia medirikan school medical record by an American expert medical record Ny. Huffman.

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